Friday, January 24, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday #1


The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read.Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!
I'm still tweaking my blog but it'll get better.
Please follow me via GFC and comment so I could follow you back.

Question of the Week: What books are you looking forward to reading in 2014?





 Other books I'm looking forward to are:
Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout
King Tomb by Scarlett Dawn

This is a BLOG HOP!

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  1. ooh The One and Ignite Me ( I can't wait to see who America and Juliette will end up with...plz let's it be Maxon for Amer and Warner for Juliette).

    Thanks for stopping by and I'm following back.
    Have a great weekend.
    Amie @The Magic of Words

  2. There's a few I haven't read and a few more I haven't heard of. I didn't add Silver Shadows to my list because I haven't read the most recent book. Talking about all these new books is getting me pumped up to read them! Hope you have a great week, thanks for stopping by. New GFC follower.

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz
    My FF

  3. With the exclusion of Cress I have not heard of any of these books. Althought I must say, I love the pink dress on Sweet Reckoning. New Bloglovin' follower

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sweet Reckoning! The wait is killing me, I just want more hot Kaiden Rowe action now!

    New GFC Follower, thanks for stopping by my ff!

  6. Great list! I can't wait for Cress and City of Heavenly Fire either!

    New GFC follower. Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    Julia @ Book Bindings Blog
    My FF

  7. I love everything Kimberly Derting writes, so I fully support THE OFFERING on this list! I have a copy of the new book in upcoming series, THE TAKING. It looks really, really good!

    Thanks for stopping by The Hiding Spot today! New follower via Bloglovin'.

  8. IM DYING FOR SWEET RECKONING AND SILVER SHADOWS!!! So many great picks! I cant wait to get my hands on the majority of them!! Cute blog, btw! I am a new follower via gfc :)

    Pivot Book Reviews FF

  9. GFC hates me for months now, and I always get errors when I try to follow people, so following via facebook instead. (Tried twitter but your button wasn't working?) I'm also looking forward to Cat and Bones, JR Ward, and Richelle Mead's books! Have a great weekend!
    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader

  10. Oh, I love Jennifer Armentrout, great list!

    Thanks for visiting our FF

    Following back.

    Kat @ Books Are Bread

  11. Thanks for stopping by and following me! I'm following back via GFC. You have a great list. I am list you, LOVE me some Cassandra Clare. So, ready for it to come out. I've heard great things about Into the Blue Still, so I think that will be worth reading too.

  12. We're excited for a lot of the same books! I cannot wait for Ignite Me, White Hot Kiss, and City of Heavenly Fire especially! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me! Followed back via GFC!

  13. Great list. I'm looking forward to some of these too. Especially White HOt Kiss and the end of the Lux series.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier. I'm a new follower via GFC!
    Happy Friday

  14. You have quite a few there which I forgot about but definitely would like to read this year. Great list.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF
    Happy Friday

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following back via Google+

  16. Nice selection! I can't believe I forgot to put Silver Shadows on my list, but I did. I tried to not make it too long :)

    Thanks for stopping by earlier, I'm following you back via G+.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  17. Cress is also on my pick! I'm so excited for it.

  18. Great post. Have a great weekend! =)

    Following you on G+.

    Opinionated Cupcakes

  19. Thanks for stopping by! Following you back. :)

  20. OOoh great picks! I am dying to read White Hot Kiss and Up from the Grave!

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog! Returning the follow!

    Have a GREAT day!

    NEW Follower :D

  21. Oh, yea. Great list. Thanks for stopping by. Following you via Feedly

  22. Following back! Thanks so much for the visit - wonderful selection of books that you are waiting for!!!


  23. You have quite a few books that I really need to read too.
    Thanks for stopping by.
    New Follower via GFC.

    Johanna @ Challenging Reads

  24. Quite a list! Good luck! New follower via bloglovin' My FF

  25. Great choices in books! I have a few on my list as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I followed back via GFC :)
    Brittany @ Spare Time book blog

  26. Thanks for the follow! Followed ya back! Those books DO look amazing. I will probably read sequel soon. So thankful for Netgalley!

  27. Your list is awesome! I need to get started on all of those series - I feel so behind, LOL! Thanks for stopping by my FF. I'm a new follower by GFC, Google+, and email. :)

  28. Great list! I want to read pretty much all of those books :) Thanks for stopping by and following.

    New Bloglovin' Follower :)
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  29. Big list you have there. Hope you get to read all of those this year!
    I'm now following you back on GFC and G+.

  30. U were right, we've got so many books in common, even those that I didn't list on my #FF..this reminds me...I should get started on Brodi Ashton :D Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier!

    Munira @ In Vogue with Books

  31. Thanks for checking out my blog. I love the books that you have here. I'm crazy about the Jeaniene Frost books. I wish Ian could find a girl to chill him out. lol. I'm really excited for Ignite Me too. I have Unravel Me at home. I'm going to start it as soon as I finish the one I'm reading now. New follower via GFC.


  32. oh my goodness so excited for silver shadows!!
    just followed :)
    feel free to follow me back, just started up my blog however you wish :) #FF

  33. thank You for stopping by my blog.

    -For all of us Up from the grave fans the wait is finally over. :)
    Now following GFC

    Kanettra@A Readers Sanctuary

  34. Hmm, I'm thinking I missed quite a few! ;)

    Thanks for hopping by my blog. I'm sorry it took me so long to hop by - I was away for the weekend. :) I'm now following you via GFC. Hope you're having a great week!
